Add wealth management to your business

Advanced Advisor Conference

March 7th & 8th

Stop referring your clients to other financial advisors and help protect them from potentially imprudent advice.

Tired of sending your clients to other financial advisors? Add wealth management services to what you offer by becoming a financial advisor and joining a community of CPAs, estate planning attorneys, insurance brokers, and other entrepreneurs who are committed to scaling their business.

Join us virtually, for this free event,
March 7th & 8th

Escape the traps that can diminish and drain the value of your company. Discover how, at Matson Money’s 2024 Advanced Advisor Conference, you can:

Learn how to create a new recurring revenue stream with wealth management.

Elevate your business with top-notch entrepreneurial training, branding, and human performance coaching.

Stop the time vacuum: Leverage the power of community. Learn how to meet with groups of people as a business leader who is committed to effectively transforming people’s thinking and results.

Outsmart commoditization: Learn how to add value to your business that cannot be replaced by technology, robo-advisors, etc. by adding financial training and development to your business.

Transform your clients’ relationship to money: Do you have a way to put on new assets through a group event? Explore possibilities at our award-winning6 American Dream Experience.

Mark Matson.

The Founder and CEO of Matson Money, a $9.7 billion (as of 12/14/23) in assets under management RIA, who works with over 500 advisors across the United States, as well as in Puerto Rico, and in Canada. He is the creator of educational experiences, platforms, and tools that can make Nobel Prize-winning1 investing research accessible to investors and can transform their relationship to money. Most notably, he is the creator of The American Dream Experience and the Matson Method.

Join us virtually, for this free event,
March 7th & 8th

Matson Money’s Academic Advisory Board is comprised of luminaries in their respective fields bringing expertise in the critical aspects of what it means to be an investor and how to leverage the power of free markets. Each member provides an invaluable contribution to the foundational principles of Matson Money, while also playing a key role helping to build our future as a premier investor coaching company.

Learn More

Join us virtually, for this free event,
March 7th & 8th

What we stand for.

Our Values


Join us at the Advanced advisor conference March 7th & 8th


We are our word.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Our unwavering commitment to innovation, creativity and service.

Education & Inquiry

The continuous pursuit of financial academic theory. Being the leader in the application of empirically tested Nobel Prize-winning investing principles.

Training & Development

Transforming investors to be prudent and disciplined throughout an entire lifetime.


We are a stand that a free market pricing system inspires competition, innovation and wealth creation.

Join us virtually, for this free event,
March 7th & 8th